Lallamand - New England Yeast

New England Yeast

Article number: 1036
Quantity: 13
LalBrew New England is an ale strain selected specifically for its ability to produce a unique fruit forward ester profile desired in East Coast styles of beer. A typical fermentation with LalBrew  New England will produce tropical and fruity esters, notably stone fruits like peach. Through expression of a β-glucosidase enzyme, LalBrew New England can promote hop biotransformation and accentuate hop flavor and aroma. LalBrew New England exhibits medium to high attenuation with medium flocculation, making it a perfect choice for East Coast style ales.
Beer Styles: NEIPA, east coast style ales
Aroma: Fruity, tropical, stone fruits
Attenutation: Medium to High
Fermentation Range: 59-72°F
Flocculation: Medium
Alcohol Tolerance: 9% ABV
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